The cats we take into our care have often had a bad start in life. To avoid them getting hurt again, we have certain requirements on their future homes. Our requirements are reasonable and are mostly about taking care of your adopted cats in the best possible way. Please read our terms before you decide to adopt a cat from us.
Take good care of the cat
Take the cat to a veterinarian if it is ill or injured
Insuring the cat from the first day of ownership. The insurance company Agria will contact the new owner after adoption. You can decide to continue to have the cat insured with Agria, or you can decide to use another insurance company. A date for the Agria insurance to be ended is then agreed.
Not euthanize, sell or re-home the cat without first contacting Föreningen Samvetet
Keep the cat as an indoor cat unless an outdoor life has specifically approved by Föreningen Samvetet
Enclose balcony/pateo or any other outdoor space with netting/glassing prior to the receival of the cat (typically 7-14 days after the cat has been booked)
Accept one home visit, when the cat is delivered, from Föreningen Samvetet
Reserves the right to retrieve the cat from the adopting home, without a refund, if the cat is mismanaged or mistreated in any way
Reserves the right to retrieve the cat from the adopting home, without a refund, if the adopting home has breached the contract in any other way
Does not adopt cats for breeding. All adopted cats are neutered
Adopts cats in their existing condition
Only adopts cat as indoor cats, i.e. the cat must be kept indoors at all times. Only very few exceptions are made from this rule.